Date of Next PC Meeting: Thursday 18th July 2024

The agenda will be published 5 days before the meeting on the website and also on the Parish Council notice boards. Members of the public are welcome to stay and listen, or to leave at any point.
All the agendas and minutes can be seen in the “meeting minutes” page.

Link to the meeting minutes page: agendas and minutes.

Parish Council Election Results 2024

Election Results 2024

11 vacancies remain – please contact the Parish Clerk on 07717 134606 or if you are interested in applying to be co-opted to the Parish Council. 

Risinghurst and Sandhills Parish Council includes part of Wood Farm and provides facilities at the Risinghurst playing field with a woodland, sport pavilion and Olive Jacks play area. Downside Dip play area, the ballcourt, small woodland and allotments in Richards Way are all for the benefit of local residents. It runs an annual Fireworks event and hosts the annual summer event at the playing field. The Parish Council helps residents to have a voice about local issues like planning applications and development.

A Parish Councillor helps to represent people, find out what the community needs, vote in decision making and monitoring the services in the public interest. It is an unpaid role that may take up 2-3 hours per week. The main commitment is to take part in 11 monthly meetings a year.


School Street in Sandhills: Consultation open until 16//08/24

Oxfordshire County Council are consulting now on the ANPR cameras for this scheme. They have given the following information:

RE: CONSULTATION – Experimental School Streets (phase 2) proposed ANPR camera enforcement

 We are writing to seek your views on the proposal to install ‘Automatic Number Plate Recognition’ (ANPR) cameras in order to enforce the existing ‘phase 2’ experimental School Streets within Didcot & Oxford, which will operate only during the current operating times. The ANPR cameras will be positioned at access points to the School Street (see attached plans for approximate locations), discouraging motor vehicles except residents, blue badge holders and other specified exempt vehicles from entering the school street during school start and finish times. Vehicles that are not exempt and go through the camera points will receive a Penalty Charge Notice. 

The proposal is being put forward in order to help better manage the safe & effective use of the School Street scheme, ensuring access is maintained for those exempted vehicles, and effective enforcement of the signed restriction is able to take place. Details are also available to view on the Councils consultation portal at the address below:

 Any objections or other representations on the proposals should be submitted by Friday 16th August 2024. 

Details on the current experimental School Streets scheme consultation can be found here, and further information on the School Streets active travel measure in general is available on the county council’s website here.

___________________________________________________________________________Update on 13/05/24: The aim is to trial school streets for these school’s and to encourage active travel changes, creating a safe, welcoming and attractive school street environment where children, parents and teachers can walk, cycle or scoot, or park away from and walk to school with less risk of concentrated air pollution and traffic congestion.

The experimental school street closures will operate Monday to Friday during term time only 8-9am and 2.30-3.30pm, and the scheme will run for a maximum period of 18 months. During closure times at school ‘pick-up’ and ‘drop-off’ (Monday to Friday during the times above), roads around the school sites will be closed to motor vehicles. A lead steward assisted by volunteers from the school and local community will manage and marshal the road closures by operating temporary barriers and opening them for any exempt vehicles. Exempt motorists include school buses, residents visitors, blue badge holders, emergency vehicles, plus council organised school transport for students with additional needs. Work will continue during the experiment with the schools to ensure that anyone with specific needs is not adversely affected. A separate consultation will be run at a later date in relation to the longer-term enforcement of the restrictions, and these will be subject to a separate decision-making process.
Further information on the School Streets active travel measure and how to comment, support or object is available on the county council’s website:



The pilot was planned to start on 15th April for 6 weeks. It will be run by volunteers for 1 hour from 8.30am and 2.30pm each school day. A consultation will follow on whether to make the arrangement permanent using ANPR cameras, and give exemptions for residents and some delivery services.

Parents and residents are being contacted after half term to raise awareness of the scheme.  A presentation made by Oxfordshire County Council to the Parish Council on preparations for the School Street pilot in Sandhills can be seen below:


Click link

Sandhills - BFF Outline Planning Application - RESUBMITTED

The outline Planning Application  submitted to SODC for the development of the Bayswater Farm Field site has been refused. The same outline Planning Application submitted to Oxford City Council was also refused.

HOWEVER, a new outline planning application, number 24/01541/OUT, has been submitted; responses/objections have to be submitted to Oxford City Planning by the 3rd August.

Further details can be found here

Parish Council Newsletter April 2024

 The annual report to the community by the Chairman of the Parish Council will be hand delivered by Parish Councillors to every household in the Parish during April.  You can view an electronic copy here:

Newsletter Spring 2024

 In the Autumn, a larger newsletter including information from community groups in the Parish is produced. If you would like to the see the previous newsletter, it is below:

Newsletter Autumn 2023

Parish Council Small Grants

Small grants are available for charities and community groups in the Parish of Risinghurst and Sandhills, including parts of Wood Farm (Local Government Act 1972 s137).

Applications are welcome from groups to contribute towards projects that will directly benefit the residents of the Parish.

Applicants will be asked to provide details of the project, other sources of income and their accounts if necessary.

How to apply:   Contact the Parish Clerk         Phone 07717 134606

The application form is available on the website at  


Parish Councillor Vacancies

There are 12 vacancies on Risinghurst and Sandhills Parish Council. Could you get involved?

What does the Parish Council do? The Parish Council includes part of Wood Farm and provides facilities at the Risinghurst playing field with a woodland, sport pavilion and Olive Jacks play area. Downside Dip play area, the ballcourt and allotments in Richards Way are all for the benefit of local residents. It runs an annual Fireworks event and hosts the annual summer fete at the playing field. The Parish Council helps residents to have a voice about local issues like planning applications and development.

Could you get involved as a community leader? you could help by representing people, finding out what the community needs, decision making and monitoring the services in the public interest. It is a voluntary role that may take up 2-3 hours per week. The main commitment is to take part in 11 monthly meetings a year.

Want to Find out More? Contact the Parish Clerk for an informal chat:         Phone 07717 134606

Parish Council Volunteering

A small volunteer group help with clearing, planting and other practical tasks on the Risinghurst playing field and woodland each Thursday morning from 09.00am. If you are interested in joining, please contact the Parish Clerk.         Phone 07717 134606

Play Equipment Ideas for Olive Jacks Play area

Link to Survey

Playing Field Improvements

The Parish Council continues to deliberate about the future improvements for the Risinghurst Playing Field. This project arose from the prospect of  developers contributions that will arise from the Thornhill Park phase 2 development. It is likely to be at least 3 years before this money is available, but the planning for how to use it is ongoing, so that the Parish Council will be ready to act once the funding is received.

The Parish Council are being advised by the Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association. They have a great deal of experience in delivering recreational facilities and advising on what has worked/not worked elsewhere in the county.

At the moment, Parish Councillors are considering what the future users of the play area in Olive Jacks Memorial Field would like to include.

Olive Jacks Memorial Field—Options for Future Play Equipment

There is no funding for this yet—but the Parish Council will work towards it. To do so we need to know what you would like and to get quotes before we bid for grants. Councillors Jane Kerry and Carol Walton did a survey at the URC Church Fete on 9th September. There is also an online  survey for children and young people (and their adults) to complete to express a preference. Please click on it and let us know your views.

Please click the link to fill in the survey:

Link to survey

Downside Dip Play Area Improvements

Have you noticed the work at Downside Dip play area in Risinghurst?
Our wonderful Parish Councillors have been improving and looking after the Steff Spencer memorial garden which is looking lovely at the moment.

Our Parish Councillors have been working hard to build new, safe steps for the slide. Within the next week, the old steps will be taken away and the transformation will be complete!

Thank you to our Parish Councillors for giving so much of their own time and working hard to improving the local area.


General Election on Thursday 4th July 2024

Make your vote count

More information on the election can be seen at…/general-election-4-july-2024


Road Closures for Highways Works

Oxfordshire County Council have advised the Parish Council there will be road works on the following dates:

Temporary road closure at Nuffield Road

A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate from 24 June 2024 up to and including 05 July 2024. This is a 24 hour road closure. See the links for the notice and diversion map.


Temporary Road Closure and “No Waiting” restriction at Netherwoods Road

A temporary notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate from 17 June 2024 up to and including 21 June 2024.This is a 24 hour road closure. See the links for the notice and diversion map.



Oxford City Council Planning Applications

The Parish Council reviews any planning application within the parish and is able to submit comments/objections, however has no final decision making powers, this resides with Oxford City Council.

See Planning Applications

Oxford City Council: Cost of Living Help

If you need advice on debt, employment or housing problems

or need help with energy costs or food costs

Visit Oxford City web site, details here

Oxford City Council Tax Rebate

Oxford City Council will be making payments to help households with rising energy costs. The Government has announced a £150 council tax rebate (payment) for households in bands A to D.

This will happen automatically if you pay Council Tax by direct debit.

If you do not pay your council tax by direct debit you need to apply for a payment.

Click this link for details: Link

Advice on Scams and what to do: Oxfordshire Trading Standards

Please be on your guard against people pretending to be from the police, your bank or other organisations and asking for money.
Some practical detail from the Oxfordshire Trading Standards team is available HERE

Tree Planting / Removal

New Trees: On Tuesday 19th March, a number of new trees were planted on Sandhills and Risinghurst. Our thanks to Oxfordshire Tree Planting Service and local groups Sandhills Naturehood and Wild about Risinghurst for encouraging and making this to happen.

Early Warning: A number of trees have been identified and marked on the A40 near the Sandhills bus stop that need removal as they are diseased and dying. They will be felled early in April by Oxfordshire County Council Countryside & Tree Service.

Forthcoming Local Events

Go to our Notice Board to see what local events are soon to happen!

Climate Action: Oxfordshire

A new website offering practical advice for Oxfordshire people wanting to reduce their carbon footprint and save energy has gone live on 11 July.

C S Lewis Nature Reserve

Would you like to get out in the fresh air, be with others and help nature? If so, then join other volunteers for conservation work at CS Lewis Reserve in Risinghurst.
No experience is necessary and tools can be provided and full support. Volunteers cut back bramble, lay paths, plant hedges etc. There is always something for everyone to get involved with.
The working parties take place on the last Sunday of each month between 10am and 12pm. Just turn up or for more information contact Jayne on or visit BBOWT website

Defibrillator for Sandhills

Risinghurst and Sandhills Parish Council are pleased to provide a new defibrillator unit which is based outside Bush House, 2 Merewood Ave, Sandhills.

Watch this short video to see what is involved: Defibrillator training.

Grateful thanks to Councillors Glynis Phillips, Roz Smith, Chew Munkonge and Mike Rowley, and to Roundway Pharmacy and the Risinghurst Fete Committee for their kind grants, donations and support, and to ABELL at Bush House for hosting the unit.

Grass Verges 2023

Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford City have decreed that grass verges will only be cut once this year – late summer. This is part of the Oxfordshire County Council biodiversity action plan.
See Green and Open Spaces page for more information.

Your Local Pharmacy

Roundway Pharmacy – Tel: 01865 766994

Now open – flu and vaccination clinic, ring for an appointment.

Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:00pm, Sat 9:00am-1:00pm

Free deliveries available Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.

Any information contained on this website is accurate to the best of our knowledge.

Risinghurst & Sandhills Parish Council cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies contained on this site. The Parish Council is not responsible for external websites.

Please let us know if you notice any errors or links not working!